Config Breakdown
Config Option Explanations
This enables a debug mode, which will enable the debug boxes around locations to show you where they are set and where they are moving to.
This enables Debug Messages in the F8 Menu and server console to help me and you with debugging issues
This script has a built-in locale system, it fairly updated versions, but the most recent versions of each language will be at:
You will need to then set the language with Config.Lan. By default, it's set to English
Menu / Inv
By default this is set to "qb" change to "ox" if using Ox
Notify Systems Supported:
qbcore - "qb"
Oxlib Notify - "ox"
t-notify - "t"
infinity-notfy = "infinity"
rr_uilib = "rr"
okokNotify = "okok"
For the people that for some reason re-name their QbCore Core. You may set this to whatever your core is named.
By default this is set to legacyfuel
We recommend ps-fuel
This puts images into your menu - leave blank like
if you're getting double images
This locks the entire script by job if you want. Leave blank if you wish it to be a walk up job like so
With Job
Farming Rep
If you'd like your players to earn rep while farming you turn this to true - this will also require recipes to be rep based so they can only make certain recipes when they reach a certain rep.
I for one am a person who doesn't want my players to know how much they're earning - however if you wish to have Notifications for each rep gained you may turn this true
This script has a few ParticleFX your AC may have issues with this and if your AC has no way to whitelist Particles you can turn this to false
If you want your players to feel a little Zen when they're picking fruits and veggies you can turn this to true
If StressRelief is turned to true - designate how much stress you want relieved. By default it is a math.random number between 5 and 10.
You can have multiple locations for your players to sell their Farming products to the default single location is at the Farmer's Market in grapeseed
This script is divided into Zones and in this section you can do all your Zone Editing. You can turn off and on certain Zones by turning them true or false. You can change the Zone's item if you wish and you can also turn off the blips and customize them to your likings! You can see the zone breakdown HERE
WheatZone (BETA)
This feature is IN BETA meaning I feel it doesn't work up to its highest potential. However, it does work. It has a few known bugs meaning it may take you a few times to get the wheat to actually pick up. Sometimes the tractor rent doesn't want to charge and those sort of things.
In this section, you can customize the props for processing to your liking. Like the Zones you can customize the blips to your desire and turn them off if you wanted. It also has the ability for you to use custom props if you wanted.
This is the section you can customize the animals to your liking. Like the zones you can customize blips and turn them off if you so desire.
This is where you can determine what your players can make with all your farmed products! Based on your decision above on whether or not you wanted Farming Rep is what you will do here. If you did put FarmingRep to true you will have to set your recipes like so:
If not then proceed as normal! The script is set up to be default without farmingrep. If you wanted to add new recipes you would do it like this, you can also designate amounts if you wanted.
This will make 3 of itemname
If you change one of the items above or remove them you must also list them below by itemname. You'll then have to go to the BUYER.LUA to the
event and find the same item you changed or removed and do the same.
Example of Sell Items
The amount can be a straight number or can be a math.random. By having it at a math.random the prices change every restart.
Last updated