Last updated
Last updated
An in-depth farming script that makes every fruit tree pickable and every bush pickable. Includes Chickens, Cows, and Pigs as slaughterable animals that also have collection features for eggs and milk. There are also craftable recipes that you can craft from the items you farm that can be locked by rep if you wish!
It is a great add-on if you're using Snipe-Farming for growing
Every single one of the trees and bushes are targetable
All Zones can be turned off and on in the Config
Pickable Items can be changed via config as well as amounts given
12 Tree Zones
16 Plant Zones
The whole farming system can be locked by a Job in the Config
Players can hire and fire themselves via Ped
Future Updates: Players will go up by grades via Rep (if enabled)
Ped Buyer prices change per restart
You can set prices or utilizing the math.random function you can have the random prices change
Crafting Recipe system
Rep system can be enabled via config
63 New Items
Animals for Collecting and Killing spawn in GrapeSeed
When all the animals in the zone are killed new ones will spawn after a configurable amount of time
Knife for killing has a chance for breaking (can turn it off if you rather the knife not break)
Stress When Killing can be configured in the config
Props can be changed via Config
WheatZone Minigame
Can be turned off and on via config
Tractor Rental System
Particle Effects
Trailer Requirement for extra immersion (can be enabled in config)
qbcore - "qb"
Oxlib Notify - "ox"
t-notify - "t"
infinity-notfy = "infinity"
rr_uilib = "rr"
okokNotify = "okok"