VendOverride -- Enable this if you want all the vending machines to use this script
RandomAmount -- Sets wether a stash should have a "random" amount of stock or full.
Example of a shop
Config.Locations = {
["digitalden"] = { -- general name of the shops
["label"] = "Digital Den", -- The label of the shop that will be seen by players
["targetIcon"] = "fab fa-galactic-republic", -- Custom qb-target icon (default: "fas fa-cash-register")
["targetLabel"] = "Open Digital Den", -- Custom qb-target label (default: "Browse Shop")
--["requiredItem"] = "phone", specify if this shop requires a certain item to be accessed (for examle: a huntinglicense)
--["scenario"] = "PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_CHAIR_FOOD", -- Support for specifiying specific scenarios
["type"] = "items", -- What kind of items are in the shop
--["job"] = "mechanic", -- Supports locking the shops to jobs's only
--["gang"] = "lostmc", -- Supports locking the shops to gang's only
["killable"] = true, -- Makes it so you can kill the ped (maybe if you can rob that store)
["model"] = { -- A list of possible PED models for the shop to spawn
`sf_prop_sf_vend_drink_01a`, -- You can specfiy props and it will load these instead of a ped model
["logo"] = "", -- customisable html link to a shop logo png
["coords"] = { -- All the locations these shops will spawn
vector4(391.76, -832.79, 29.29, 223.77), -- vector4 is a vector3 with the heading as the last nubmer
vector4(1136.99, -473.13, 66.53, 254.85),
vector4(-509.55, 278.63, 83.31, 176.65),
vector4(-656.27, -854.73, 24.5, 359.39),
vector4(-1088.29, -254.3, 37.76, 252.7),
["products"] = Config.Products["electronics"], -- The list of products will appear in the shop
["blipsprite"] = 619, -- The blip that will appear on the map for this shop
["blipcolour"] = 7, --
["hideblip"] = false, -- set to true if you want this shop to be hidden on the map (good for illegal shops)
Example of a product table
Products = {
["electronics"] = { -- The name of the table to be called by a shop
{ name = "phone", price = 850, amount = 50 }, -- spawn name of item, cost of item, amount in the shop
{ name = "radio", price = 250, amount = 50, requiredJob = { ["mechanic"] = 0 } }, -- Supports job + grade lock of specifc items
{ name = "screwdriverset", price = 350, amount = 50, requiredGang = { "lostmc" } },
{ name = "binoculars", price = 50, amount = 50, },
{ name = "fitbit", price = 400, amount = 150, },