Custom QBCORE recycling script made by Jim
Highly customizable via config.lua
Locations are easily changeable/removable
Features several ways to get materials
Recycle Center - Trade recyclable Materials to get crafting materials
Dumpster Diving - Search dumpsters and trash cans for materials
Scrapping - Search wrecked vehicles for scraps
Customizable points for Selling materials
Add a Location for an ore to the config and it will use this location for both qb-target and a prop
Can place them anywhere, doesn't have to be just one mining location
I opted for a drilling animation as opposed to the pickaxe swinging
Nicely animated for better immersion
NPC's spawn on the blip locations
These locations can also give third eye and select ones have context menus for selling points
Features simplistic built-in crafting that uses recipes in the config.lua
Wreck/Scrap Searching:
Dumpster Driving:
Recycling center & Material Selling:
Last updated