Jim ClosedShops
Last updated
Last updated
Let your player owned stores keep making money when no workers are awake
When all members of a job are off duty, an NPC is spawned with a shop for people to buy from
This allows people to buy food and drink items even when the store is technically closed
This is a fair system for big servers with players from different time zones.
Highly customizable
The Config.lua controls what items can be sold in the shop
(Personally recommend selling only crafted goods, as others can be economy-breaking)
This stops people from trying to sell illegal goods at legal jobs
Fine-tune the prices of each item in the config.
Boss controlled stock
Only Boss roles can access stock from NPC
Stock only as large as the total possible items? 8 items in config - 8 slots
This stops people from using it as a personal stash
qbcore - "qb"
Oxlib Notify - "ox"
t-notify - "t"
infinity-notfy = "infinity"
rr_uilib = "rr"
okokNotify = "okok"