How do I set up a new locaiton?
It's as easy copying a location file that already exists and changing the locations of targets to where you want them. Most servers are default set up with a polyzone creator.
in your chat do
/pzcreate box
and a prompt will come up. Title it whatever you'd like to figure out what to put for length and width look at one of the example set up locations.Once the box is created use your arrow keys to move the box around. Your Ctrl key will give you precise control over it
When finished type
(Pro Tip: To create the same size as the last one do/pzlast
l = length
w = width
How can I set up food at the location?
In the Client.lua add the following snippet
Then in locales add
Then in each location that you have add your prepare targets
Do you have any pre-setup snippets so I don't have to do the work myself?
In our Discord we have several snippets look for the bar snippets channel.
Last updated