Installation Guide
Last updated
Last updated
To make use of the ticket reward system for workers you need to add the ticket item to your shared items lua
Naviage to [qb] > qb-core / shared / items.lua
and add this line
Add the ticket image to your inventory script:
There are two modes in the script, one that uses the phone for invoices/bank charges
The script supports many features like pay tickets, commission payments etc.
If you want to use phone systems for these then you need to add the event for when a payment is accepted:
REMINDER: IF using phone invoices, the money being added to the society accounts is handled BY THE PHONE
, not by my script. If money isn't going to the account its the phone system or bossmenu script.
Go to [qb]
Search for the event RegisterNUICallback('PayInvoice', function(data, cb)
and look for the line:
Directly above this line add:
The phone should now be integrated with jim-payments
Go to gks-phone > server > serverapi.lua
Search for the event: gksphone:faturapayBill
and search for this line:
Directly under this line add this event:
The phone should now be integrated with jim-payments
Go to qb-phone > server > invoices.lua
Search for the event: qb-phone:server:PayMyInvoice
and search for this line:
Directly under this line add this event:
When invoices are paid, they should now be integrated with jim-payments